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South Dakota Benefitting from Online Intake to Help Process Requests for Legal Assistance

Congratulations to Dakota Plains Legal Services! With offices located on or near Indian reservations in North and South Dakota, DPLS provides legal representation, advocacy, conflict resolution, and community education options to Native American and non-Native clients throughout the community. With a focus on Indian law, family law, health law, housing law, and income maintenance law, DPLS has an especially proud history of effective advocacy addressing the unique needs of their Native American clients.

Office building of the DPLS.

DPLS is seeing benefits from LegalServer’s Electronic Case Transfer capability. With one online intake site for all of South Dakota, applicants are directed to either Dakota Plains Legal Services, East River Legal Services, or Access 2 Justice South Dakota, depending on the legal issue, income, and location. South Dakota is now automating the intake process for case handling and getting cases in the queue to be worked faster.