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San Diego Volunteer Lawyer Program Now running on LegalServer

The LegalServer onboarding team successfully helped San Diego Volunteer Lawyer Program (SDVLP) migrate to LegalServer. Now live on LegalServer, SDVLP has a case management system that is much more configurable with many more case handling features.

sdvlp logo.

SDVLP is also recognizing a big improvement in reporting, which is especially helpful for them to track pro bono cases, how many cases & how much time they have spent on cases. The options for configuration have also made it easier for them to add new pro bono attorneys to the system as well as streamline their intake process.

Volunteers from the SDVLP organization.

Since 1983, SDVLP has changed the lives of thousands of poor women, children and men throughout San Diego County. A private, non-profit organization, SDVLP is the county’s oldest and most comprehensive pro bono legal services program.

SDVLP serves the most vulnerable members of our community: the homeless, abused children, domestic violence victims, elder abuse victims, veterans, immigrants and those with HIV/AIDS. Notably, more than 75% of SDVLP’s clients are women and children.

We’re super excited to help SDVLP with all the amazing things they do for their community. Want to know how we can help out your organization? Give us a call or email!