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Proud Supporter of the 6th Annual Investing in Justice Campaign

The Chicago Bar Foundation’s (CBF) Sixth Annual Investing in Justice Campaign is just winding to a close, and LegalServer is proud to have played a role in once again answered the call to help ensure that people in need in our community have access to justice.

Snippet of newspaper.

For the sixth year in a row, LegalServer has joined others in the Chicago legal community to support this important project. The Campaign ran a thank-you Ad in the April 13th Wall Street Journal listing their key supporters, of which we are proud to have been included.

All of the funds raised in the Campaign will once again go directly towards CBF grants to more than 35 pro bono and legal aid organizations. This will enable tens of thousands of low-income and disadvantaged Chicagoans, including disabled children and adults, veterans, homeowners facing foreclosure and homeless youth, to get critical legal advice and assistance.

Grants funded by the Investing in Justice Campaign are an important part of the CBF’s comprehensive efforts to ensure that all Chicagoans have access to justice. The CBF expect to have final results and news about the more than $1 million in grants the Campaign will make possible by the end of May.