Idaho State Public Defender Chooses LegalServer
Historically, public defense work in Idaho was managed at the local county level. Recent legislation changed that model, however, creating the Office of the State Public Defender (SPD) as a standalone self-governing agency responsible for providing statewide trial-level legal representation for indigent defendants and juveniles.
To manage these cases across the Gem State, the SPD chose LegalServer.
The Idaho State Public Defender is excited to partner with LegalServer as its case management system. Our discussions have led to an innovative approach to case management that will allow our attorneys to focus more time and energy in serving the needs of our clientele.

Office of the State Public Defender
Transitioning public defense services from a county-led model involves consolidating 44 counties into seven District offices, with independent contractor attorney offices located throughout the state.
An important aspect of centrally managing the public defense cases and reporting in Idaho will be a flexible and robust case management platform. The Idaho Office of the State Public Defender will deploy LegalServer to handle the comprehensive needs for data collection, workflows, and reporting by the end of 2024. Leading the project will be a team of innovative LegalServer implementation specialists (who have a legal background) to ensure SPD has a smooth deployment with optimal usability.
We believe LegalServer’s focus on the needs of public defense along with its dedication, capabilities, and willingness to think and work outside the box will take the public defense to the next level in the State of Idaho.

Office of the State Public Defender
The LegalServer team is equally keen on working with the SPD.
When we learned about the creation of the Office of State Public Defender in Idaho, we recognized an extraordinary opportunity to collaborate and bring about a positive change in the justice system.

“As we reviewed the SPD’s mission and vision for public defense, we became increasingly convinced that our partnership would not only bring about a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals in Idaho, but would also have a far-reaching impact on the broader LegalServer Community,” says LegalServer President & Founder IV Ashton. “We are incredibly enthusiastic about working side by side with their entire team!"