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CLSACC Creates Boundaries Between Legal and Counseling Clients

Congratulations to Community Legal Services and Counseling Center on their GoLive with LegalServer! CLSACC provides free civil legal assistance and affordable counseling services for people with low incomes by leveraging volunteer lawyers and mental health professionals. This interdisciplinary approach provides holistic services to low income residents of Boston and surrounding counties. CLSACC took advantage of LegalServer’s ability to restrict access to case-related information to create boundaries between legal and counseling clients.

clsacc logo.

Administrators can restrict access to groups of cases based on office and/or program. A case that is assigned to a restricted office or program can only be viewed by users assigned to certain roles can see it. Anyone with a user role that has the “View All Cases” permission can access the case regardless of any restriction set with this field. Users who are specifically assigned to certain types of cases would only see those case types. Administrators can also set the Restriction Type to Intake, Assignment, or Both, determining what a user can view in a case.

This allows all privilege to be maintained, while providing fully functional case management systems for both counseling and legal advocates. Congratulations again, thank you for all your hard work!