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Chicago Automates Manual Processes with EEO Case Management Software

Compliance with federal Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) laws and regulations can be difficult with all the reporting, documentation, and follow-up necessary. Without proper tools to manage all the cases, government entities can struggle to ensure compliance with EEO law and policy.

Two departments within the City of Chicago municipal government were struggling recently with a lot of manual work in helping citizens and City employees with various grievances. Both the EEO Division of the Department of Human Resources and the Commission on Human Relations were relying on spreadsheets to handle complex cases. Aggregate reporting was nearly impossible.

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These two Chicago departments recently tapped LegalServer to solve their issues by automating manual processes with built-in reporting to demonstrate compliance with laws and policies.

LegalServer's report capabilities make it easy to track the progress of our cases and identify trends. Additionally, LegalServer has made us more efficient by having entire case information one mouse click away.

Headshot of Mark Pando.
Mark Pando, EEO Officer
City of Chicago

The Department of Human Resources and Commission on Human Relations are now more efficient and effective when managing discrimination complaints from employees and applicants for employment, along with harassment complaints from people working with the City. Conflict Resolution Services (CRS) case management also helps support the development of healthy resolution practices at individual, interpersonal, and institutional levels for the City.

Both departments are seeing significant improvements in the process for creating, managing and reporting on cases. What used to be an arduous process to manage is now simplified. Data-driven insights about the work being done allows management to make more informed decisions on how best to operate.

The City of Chicago Department of Human Resources and Commission on Human Relations are doing their part to help contribute to a harmonious work environment where staff can be happier, healthier and productive - and the LegalServer team is proud to play their role in this solution.

Need a better solution to your Human Resources or Human Relations case management needs? contact us today.