LegalServer Add-On Modules
Additional value-add capabilities
With a robust and comprehensive set of features built-in to LegalServer, some organizations choose to include additional capabilities that aren't included in the base platform.
SMS Text Messaging
Communicate with clients to and from a case via SMS text messages. Send text message reminders regarding calendar events, tasks, and deadlines. Collect information for a case via text. Integrated with Twilio.
“The SMS Text Module and the External Forms Module have proven to be incredibly useful.”
Online Intake
The Online Intake Module publishes intake forms externally such that potential applicants can apply online for services.
Multiple Language
Users can apply for services in their native foreign language via LegalServer’s Online Intake, with answers translated to English in the primary site.
Electronic Case Transfer
Included with Online Intake, or sold separately, cases may be electronically transferred from any LegalServer instance to another LegalServer instance using web-services.
Geographic Information System (GIS)
The GIS Module validates client address data using the US Postal Service’s Address Validation API. Address data in LegalServer can also be geocoded to report and visual map cases in specific congressional districts, state legislative districts, etc.
Contract Attorney
Contract attorney case management software from LegalServer simplifies interaction with outside counsel, private assigned counsel, and third party investigators or experts.
Immigration Forms
The Immigration Forms module allows agencies to complete specific forms published by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and the Department of Justice (DOJ). The Immigration Forms Module is designed to pull in basic client information that an advocate has collected at intake or through auxiliary forms and processes.
Dropbox Integration
LegalServer will automatically search and show on a case profile relevant documents, video, audio etc. stored in Dropbox. Users will see a list of documents that match specified case data, and click a hyperlink on the case to open the file that resides in Dropbox.
Google Team Drive Integration
LegalServer will automatically search and show on a case profile relevant documents stored in a designated Google Team Drive. Users will see a list of Team Drive documents that match specified case data, and click a hyperlink to open and edit a document in Google Docs.
Single Sign-On with Microsoft 365
Users can access LegalServer via Microsoft 365 single sign-on provided Microsoft Azure Active Directory is enabled.
Single Sign-On with Google Workspace
Users can access LegalServer via Google Workspace single sign-on provided Workspace with API features is enabled.
Single Sign-On with Okta
Users can access LegalServer via the Okta single sign-on, provided an Okta subscription is enabled.
Accounting/Payroll Export
The Accounting & Payroll Module exports data in a standardized comma separated value (.csv) format to then upload that data to a third party accounting or payroll software.
Payroll Leave Balances
The Payroll Leave Balances Module tracks each staff person’s Leave Balances within LegalServer based on the time entered through the timekeeping module. Staff can view their earned leave time, as well as see each transaction that adjusts Leave Time.
HUD Integration
LegalServer provides the ability to collect and electronically report data from LegalServer to HUD ARM (Agency Reporting Module). This includes the HUD 9902 aggregate data, agency level data, and case level data, on counseling services.
Offline Mode
Offline LegalServer is primarily designed to provide read-only information about cases needing service while the internet is out due to a prolonged outage or an advocate is working in an area with limited to no internet access.
Advanced Grants Management
For agencies who need more than the built-in Standard Grants Management, the Advanced Grants Management (AGM) is a set of interrelated tools that facilitate the complicated task of managing funding streams, contract terms and specific grant obligations and restrictions.
Electronic Verification of Time (EVT)
Utilizing a subset of Advanced Grant Management (AGM), Electronic Verification of Time (EVT) provides electronic confirmation of time by users and electronic verification of time by supervisors or administrative staff per pay period with automated workflows.